It is heard, both sided love is perfect;
Her one sided unconditional love was perfection
It is believed, love hurts;
Only her soulmate's hardships are hurting
It is said, love is felt once and for all;
She feels as many times as her heart beats
It is judged, being in love is selfish;
To Refrain him from mourning on her death,
she wishes to die after him
It is a rumour, we hate to love those who don't revert;
Being in love and staying in love is her enormous bliss.
It is assumed, expressing the love is most difficult;
She unleashed her soul to him, besides all the difficulties
It is inferred that such love fades with time;
Love sees no past, no future
If it was true, it lingers for whole lifetime
It is a fact, true love is divine;
Her devotion is divinity.
© Priyanka Bajaj